2 days til the beatdown in Knoxville. It's lookin like it might rain, which could mean even less people in the stands than there have been lately. It's starting to hit the university in the pocketbook too. Mike Hamilton said that the amount of people that left during the Florida game cost the University over $90,000 in concessions alone. That's big, man.
With the chance of rain, that could lead to a slugfest football game, which would be to our advantage, it would seem. I don't think "the Clawfense" will work very well in the rain, and I don't think Adrian Foster can hold on to the football when it's dry...much less if it's wet.
Kenny Stabler was found not guilty in his DUI case. That's definitely good news. He'll be back in the booth next year. I gotta admit...I miss him on the radio broadcasts.
One guy on the defensive line that we'll need to have step up this weekend would be Luther Davis. You can read more about how he's worked his way back up the depth chart here.
Glen Coffee is still taking the blame for the fumble in the Ole Miss game. That's cool with me. Read more about his fumbleitis here.
¶ 9:43 AM