Saturday, December 02, 2006  
More Stoops stuff...
Got this in an e-mail this morning. Good read.

"My friend's exact words to me at the Auburn game were that they had been told that Mal had been "talking to Spurrier since September". Why would he be talking to Spurrier? You are all correct---Spurrier is not the kind of scumbag that would say he is not leaving then go. In fact, as much as we don't want to admit it, Spurrier is now the same kind of power broker in the south that Bear was in the 70's. So now we have to look another direction. Who is Spurrier close to? And why would he put up with the BS he has put up with the past two weeks? The posters from SC have made a big deal about how loyal he is to his assistants and how much he cares about them----especially if they are good---keep that in the back of your mind as we continue the discussion. Spurrier could have ended the speculation should he have chosen to----but he didn't want to. Now, the question becomes, why? He either wanted to use it to get more money---like he really needs it ---or couldn't have it just by asking---or he was protecting something that was dear to him. I chose to believe he was protecting something. Next question----what would mean that much to him that he would want to protect it at the expense of all the questions and suspicion? And even more importantly, why would he do it with Alabama involved? Two things----#1 He accused Bama of something that was unwarranted and being the fair guy he is, he owed us one (and yes, I do believe he initiated the contact). #2 He now knows, with Logan Young gone (RIP) and us facing the sure enough death penalty for any transgression, we are completely above board-----and that fits into the reason for his call to Mal. There is a close personal friend of his that is unhappy and is looking for an out. He first looked to the NFL(documented in several newspapers and online columns in early September) and I expect Spurrier told him the pitfalls of that thought process. This guy respects SOS and listened. So the two of them, together, started looking for the guy a comparable job. A call to Mal---who (like us) by the Arkansas game, had seen enough----and the thought process begins. Alabama is very respected by the looking party due to past competition and dislike of the same type people (Can you say Fran?). Bama is now clean, and that is VERY important to him. But he can't pull the trigger because he has too much riding on the season----incentives in his contract demand that he stay the course through the end of the year----and besides that, he doesn't have enough years in yet to "DEMAND" Spurrier money, especially if he slips this year---the year he wants out. So the clandestine process begins. I think the phrase "done deal" has been overused in this scenario----but I think this has been a done deal since probably the week after the Mississippi State fiasco. The Spurrier rumors had legs a week later----so with everyone thinking Saban and Spurrier, why deny it? Feed it!!!! It keeps the heat off the real guy. Saban wasn't going to be party to it and he pretty well stopped it the day he heard it. Spurrier has, meanwhile, chosen his words carefully and avoided using the words "NO" and "Alabama" in the same paragraph---much less the same sentence. And the Alabama side certainly isn't going to reveal who they are talking to---in fact, they are going to continue to feed the Spurrier story (with his blessing) to keep the spotlight off his friend. Sunday or Monday--------
Here's a hint----you might get a preview of OUR new coach by watching the Big 12 championship game rather than watching the pigs and the gators. Compare Mal's criteria, Shaun Alexander's statement, and what we know about Spurrier's involvement and see which coach in that game might just fit the idle chatter.

Colin Cowherd:

August 3, 2006 at 12:36 pm | In Oklahoma Sooners, Bob Stoops,, Bob Stoops NFL rumor | No Comments Rumor Mil is reporting, “Several NFL sources told us late Wednesday night that incident to the breaking story that Oklahoma starting QB Rhett Bomar was kicked off the team Wednesday after an investigation revealed he broke NCAA rules by working at a private business and (gasp) was getting paid for work he didn’t really do, acquaintances of OU Coach Bob Stoops “will start putting out feelers now to the NFL that he wants to be a head coach there in 2007.” Click here to continue

Reckon who those acquaintances are? Maybe SOS? What might SOS have recommended about the NFL? Hey---I know where there is a clean college program that needs a coach----you need to forget that NFL mess and stay where you belong and know what kind of good you can do!

Why he'd be interested?????

NCAA Investigations: A Primer for OU Fans
Aug 04, 2006 | 6:54AM | report this

With the news out of Oklahoma that two starting players have been kicked off the team by Coach Bob Stoops, the all-too-familiar NCAA investigation is soon to follow. So, to help my fellow college football brethren, I thought I would summarize what's gonna happen next.

The first thing the school will do is disavow itself from association with any of the parties involved. This has already happened with the players, expect the booster to be next. This will be a little harder, because believe it or not these boosters can have a bigger impact on the program than a starting QB or O-lineman. Damage control will be essential before cutting ties to the booster. Worries about what else might be revealed or discovered will mean moving slowly, and cause many sleepless nights for Stoops and his staff.

Next, the school will launch an internal investigation. Once again, this has already begun at OU. The school will promise to fully disclose any findings, and pledge to cooperate fully with any NCAA investigation.

The NCAA will send some people to snoop around, but they won't begin an official investigation until they receive a report detailing the school's findings. Meanwhile the school will have hired a big-bucks lawyer who previously worked for the NCAA and is very familiar with investigations.

After the school releases their report, the NCAA will begin to "officially" investigate. They will be in no hurry, saying that they have several other cases still pending. Expect the investigation to last at least two full recruiting seasons, during which time opposing coaches will use the cloud over OU to their advantage through negative recruiting. They will remind recruits of Alabama's post season ban for similar infractions. They will say "You can't compete for a conference championship, you can't compete for a national championship, you'll be spending New Years at home watching games on TV."

Finally, the NCAA will release their report. The school will at a minimum be found guilty of "Lack of Institutional Control", and placed on probation. Lack of institutional control is defined as a major violation by the NCAA, and a few scholarship losses may be thrown in.

Whether OU had any knowledge of wrongdoing or not, whether they could have prevented it or not is irrelevent to the NCAA. Punishment justifies their existence, and other schools who faced similar charges would be irate if no penalties befell OU. The NCAA will believe they must penalize OU to send a message to boosters that programs are held accountable for the boosters' actions.

It's sad to see this happen to OU, because Stoops has worked hard to run a clean program and do things the right way. In the end, it won't matter.


Oklahoma appeared before the Committee on Infractions in April regarding an investigation into excessive recruiting calls made by the school's men's basketball team under former coach Kelvin Sampson.

In that case, the NCAA largely accepted Oklahoma's self-imposed sanctions, including probation, reductions in scholarships, recruiting calls and trips and visits to the school by prospective recruits. The committee also issued a public reprimand and censure.

Sampson, now the coach at Indiana, was banned from calling recruits and participating in off-campus recruiting activities for one year.

Infractions committee chairman Thomas Yeager said Sampson and his staff “deliberately disregarded NCAA rules” by making 577 impermissible phone calls from 2000 to 2004.

can you say "REPEAT OFFENDER"?

All this went down in August----no wonder Big Game Bob was looking for an out!

also, check out this read....

From the Tulsa sports pages---and please note the date :

At 9/13/2006 2:51:45 PM, Does Stoops still like his job?

More and more, I wonder if Bob Stoops still enjoys his job as OU football coach.

Two players betrayed him, media criticized him and he seems increasingly irritable.

Longtime observers of Stoops’ press luncheons say his demeanor Tuesday might have been the most agitated they’ve seen in that weekly setting. Stoops has never liked the media much, so irritability is nothing new. But his frustration is higher than ever.

Here’s one guess about why he’s so upset. Two of Stoops’ fundamental principles have been damaged – trust and pride.

Players violated Stoops’ trust when they lied and cheated.

Then, whether it’s fair or not, Stoops’ reputation of running a clean program was sullied. He can’t get that back, and it undoubtedly bothers him deeply. Stoops has always prided himself on more than winning. He wanted to be respected as a winner who ran a good program. Now, an NCAA investigation seems inevitable.

Put it all together, and it makes me wonder: Does Bob Stoops still enjoy his job? And if not, is he the kind of person who will keep a job he doesn’t like?

Comments: I agree with Finebaum although I'm not sure he agrees. He has no love for Alabama. He only has love for his opinion which was to fire Shula. He is only fanning flames to up his ratings. By the way I hate ND. They're terrible. They schedule is a joke! I have to get this off my chest. I must have read in nearly every article at the begginning of the year about how sorry our schedule was. WHAT! 6 teams we faced are currently ranked in the top 25! Three are ranked in the top 10! 5 in the top 20! I know it was our out of conference schedule that sucked but at least we have a conference to claim and aren't scared of compeition! FU ND!!!!!

2:04 PM

Anonymous said...
notre dame had the 13th toughest schedule in college football

2:13 PM

Anonymous said...
On their schedule, there are currently only 3 teams ranked in the top 25. Given Mich and USC are at the top - but they lost to both! Also, GT is ranked around 20 - which they only beat by less than a touchdown. Their schedule was crap! If theirs was 13 then ours (AL) had to be in the top 5. I don't believe that of course but their schedule was crap and I'll stick by that! ND SUCKS!!!!

2:20 PM
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:21 PM   Lost to both by more than 20 points!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:22 PM   I hope this is all over with sooner rather than later. And I hope we don't have to stoop to the bottom of the barrel to get a coach. I want one we all can be okay with.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:26 PM   According to ESPN, Spurrier signs contract extension thru 2012 with Carolina.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:28 PM   What was shawn alexander's statement?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 2:34 PM   Can someone inform me of the Shawn Alexander comments listed at the bottom of the last post as evidence (or supporting) that Stoops will be UAs next coach?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:02 PM   Am I the only person ALIVE?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:16 PM   thank god now you idiots will finall forget spurrier like i told you all along. petrino 48-17 today and 18th consecutive home win, bama's talent will fit his system 40 wins 9 losses career. stop it with coach rod his wife cried because of the prospect of leaving wv to go to bama she hates the idea and coach rod is not going anywhere. petrino has been in bama before and will come back. shaun alexander was just running off at the mouth he knows nothing and STOOPS AINT COMIN. quit it already, no spurrier, no stoops, no saban, no rod only PETRINO!!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:16 PM   where can i find what SA said. I've tried - what did he say?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:21 PM   while being interviewed on ESPN radio Wed or Thu of this week, alexander talked as if he knew who UA was pursuing or rather 'what type of coach(es) we're looking at'.

the criteria, he stated, was that he had one a NC before.

stoops fits that bill. as does spurrier, but i'm less convinced about spurrier. i like the stoops idea. he's would make Bamanation very proud and do us right.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:23 PM   shaun said that we were looking at 4 coaches that had already won NCs - assuming two were saban and spurrier, that leaves 2 more. the only two that would be reasonable [based on current coaching gig and age] would be stoops [imminent probation] and coker [got his ass fired].

i really wish bobby petrino's mom would stop posting on here.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:23 PM   Petrino? HAHAHA what are you smoking? what in the hell makes you think that we even have attempted to talk to petrino. if your the same one that keeps on with this petrino crap then your a joke
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:24 PM   After the way this last week has gone I can't even attempt to guess who we will end up with. Stoops would be a godsent but I just have a hard time beleiving the rumor mill at this point. Whatever happens I just hope that Mal knows what he's doing. ESPN has already ruined our reputation with speculation. I hope we don't live up to their gossip.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:26 PM   dito - why keep pushing Petrino so? He would probably be a good coach but we can't hire him. don't tell us, go to ttown and get an appointment with Mal or something
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:27 PM   here is a link to the alexander interview. its under the thursday interviews
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:33 PM   hey the PETRINO bull**** is starting to get old. you should take you man crush somewhere else because if you think petrino is going to be at UA then you are a moron. he hasnt been contacted and he wont be and thats that. NO PETRINO so shut the hell up already
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:52 PM   What about Coach Stallings...he has a NC also...he's only 71 years old...He can come back....


Stoops isn't coming. Saban makes 5 million a year at Miami...he isn't coming. It looks like Rich Rod isn't coming...but his season is still things could change. Petrino isn't coming. Spurrier isn't coming.

The state of college football has changed dramatically since the scholorship limits were put in place. Competing in the SEC is tough yet its held on the same scale as the other conferences. You cannot tell me that any school in the Big East or Wake Forrest would make it to a BCS game if they were in the SEC. There is NO way. So some of these other schools may be more inticing to recruits and coaches alike. In the Big East you can win the conference 6 out of 10 years and go to a BCS game at Louisville, West Virginia...etc. I find it hard to believe that any team in the SEC will win the conference that much with the likes of Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, LSU, Auburn, and Alabama. Its just not going to happen....

Us SEC people have got to see the big picture.

Time for a playoff....or we are doomed.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 3:57 PM   Cutcliff and Oliver?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:00 PM   There were 20 people at the SEC 8th place game...aka...ACC Championship Game.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:06 PM   PETRINOPETRINOPETRINOPETRINOPETRINO







# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:12 PM   I think that it's great that people with "special needs" are learning to use computers.
Sure thing little buddy...Petrino...that is so cute.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:22 PM   from the same source that told me that Shula was fired 2 hours before Shula even found out himself just told me to pull for the Jags this sunday because if they win then that will pretty much kill any hopes of the Dolphins going to the playoffs and the UA admin. would get their official answer from Saban. Naming him the new head coach at the University of Alabama. Hince the coach with a NC that Alexander was refering to. more on this subject later
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:40 PM   just a little side note to my previous post. this same source sat in the box with certain boosters and one Jimmy Sexton back during the Tenn. game. back then Saban was inquiring through Sexton on the possability of the UA job opening up at the end of the year. so this isnt just some ticky tack source like everyone else says they have. the reason for the earlier denial is because Saban and papa Shula are good friends( eating lunch with each other once a week)he wanted the firing to cool down alittle bit before he talks about it.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:47 PM   PETRINOPETRINOPETRINOPETRINOPETRINO


# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:03 PM   NOT A CHANCE STOOPS WOULD EVEN CONSIDER IT
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:07 PM   We will NOT see Stoops at Bama. Repeat, WILL NOT see Stoops at Bama. Some people will believe anything....

Da Snake in Talladega
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:12 PM   When a coach is hired and it's not Petrino I say we stick our foot in this guys ass that keeps saying his name.I wonder if this guy is even a heterosexual. I would be worried if I were Petrino about coming to BAMA in fear of this guy waiting in the shadows waiting to butt rape me.Shut up you freakin moron!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:19 PM   Smoke screen is apparently working.The NCAA is about to start investigating Oklahoma for the shit Bomar and some of the wrong doings of rouge boosters.Stoops wants to be known for being a winner and running a clean program and that will all be tainted once the investigation starts.It's been posted on here several times that Spurrier treats his assistants very good and cares about them deeply and who is a former assitant...that's right Stoops.Everybody wants a tough as nails coach that wears a visor and runs a clean program and is straight up well watch the Big 12 Championship game and there is your answer.Do we want a coach that hates Fran as much as we do well here's your answer...Stoops.Does anybody remember the year after Fran left OU beat A&M 77-0 that didnt happen by accident,that was retaliation for a shit coach that did something very shitty.And after that game does anyone remember what the OU band did?.......that's right played "Yea Alabama" after that nothing but respect for OU and Bob Stoops!!!!!ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:19 PM   So, "Fear the Visor" all along really was referring to Bob Stoops. I'm still not convinced Spurrier was not the first choice.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:26 PM   i am at dreamland and spurrier is here with bro bill; more to come
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:05 PM   USC 9 UCLA 13, Michigan gets its remach, SEC gets screwed again. Maybe this will finally lead to a playoff.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:05 PM   your program rewminds me of the retard that can't get right
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:07 PM   i still think spurrier is comin, hey we are the best nobody can deny that
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:12 PM   have any of you guys heard a rumor that steve spurrier (florida's old coach) might be coming to coach at alabama?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:22 PM   Can someone go nutshell on this post. I never read that much in all my years of college. What did you just say? Can I get the Cliffs Notes to the "More Stoops Stuff" post?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:26 PM   Will everyone that believes Spurrier is coming to UA... please shut the hell up... you are making Alabama look like even more of an joke than the national media already is. Get over it, MM fired Shula without a plan to get us a new coach. We should be looking to MM for some serious answers after this whole situation is over.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:31 PM   Rodriquez sucks and is going down in flames big time again at home tonight. Two in a row. Petrino has won 18 consecutive home games. West Virginia needs to keep that fat loser up there.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:39 PM   I just saw Stoops coming out of the bathroom stall at Shula's Steakhouse in Birmingham.(it really stunk by the way) I followed him to his table where MM and PBJ were sitting...more to come.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:42 PM   Petrino likes it in the rear!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:43 PM   And Stoops likes to give it to him!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:46 PM   I got a text message from earlier tonight. Nothing is ever for sure but bamaonline is very reliable.

"Search is focused on Saban & Rodriquez. Could know by early next week. Nick Saban has a tight timeline. If he doesn't act soon, look for Rich Rodriquez to accept."

If this is correct, all the Stoops rumors are just that, rumors....
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:01 PM   I just heard from a reliable source that Shula just got fired... midnight presser is scheduled... more to come.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:05 PM   Yesterday, I analyzed Shaun Alexander's comments and came up with a list of potential candidates. At that time, I did not know this much about Stoops. Of the current coaches or coaches likely to return to college football that have won a national championship since 1990 and are likely (or even plausibly) to leave for another school, I could only see Spurrier, Saban, Coker, and Erikson. That would be four. I did not consider Stoops because I thought he was happy at OU. Therefore, presumably he would replace Erikson or Coker. I would hope it would be Coker but more likely, it would be Erikson.

I also considered the possibility that Shaun Alexander may have considered 1AA national championships. If this were true, then Paul Johnson would be a candidate. That would leave Spurrier, Saban, Stoops, and Johnson, likely in that order. That is a respectable list. I would prefer if we looked at Petrino or Rodriguez before Johnson, but I would not argue with this list.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:49 PM   Interesting theory that actually makes sense. Spurrier was never leaving USC--he had way too much invested in the university, personally and professionally--yet the constant rumors and sightings were suspicious. If he were there lobbying on behalf of Stoops, however, things would make much more sense.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:50 PM   whatever OU can pay a year, i'm sure UA could match. We were prepared to give Spurrier an unprecedented amount. Stoops has a better resume considering he is in his 40s and he averaged over 10 wins a year his entire career at OU the same as Spurrier has done at Florida. He won the NC faster than Spurrier and Spurriers only NC was when Stoops was with him.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:07 PM   Holy Crap!!! Did we somehow stumble into an intelligent conversation? Come on, someone start spewing some invective. Maybe the PETRINO PETRINO PETRINO guy needs to come back. Or the anti-Rodriguez racists need to pop back up.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:18 PM   Sarcasm is so hard to convey in type
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:18 PM   bumpjon, i am the petrino petrino petrino guy and i never left. i am capable of rational thought when you crazies slow down with the irrational stoops chatter. stoops ain't comin, just forget it and give it up. like spurrier he is not coming, nor rod, nor jim grobe, nor jim leavitt, nor houston nutt, nor saban, etc.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:25 PM   Ok, go make your extra $800 a month and get the fuck out of here
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:37 PM   Jim Rome is an idiot!! First off, everyone needs to save his remarks, so we can email them to him when the tide is back on top.

Collin the Coward, needs to get a clue. Both those guys should be strung up!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:38 PM   Go look it up. Do a google search for Navy Steroids, you will find out about PJs team being tested positive then trying to delay new tests for 10 months...they are busted and will be made to pay eventually. Bama does not need any more of the scandals around them.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:41 PM   We're talking football not soliciting doing online surveys.....wait a damn minute Coach Johnson are you on here again?!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:47 PM   Anonymous said...
"bumpjon, i am the petrino petrino petrino guy and i never left. i am capable of rational thought when you crazies slow down with the irrational stoops chatter. stoops ain't comin, just forget it and give it up. like spurrier he is not coming, nor rod, nor jim grobe, nor jim leavitt, nor houston nutt, nor saban, etc."

Welcome back, well I guess you never left. I'm glad to hear that you're capable of rational thought. So answer this question. If PETRINO PETRINO PETRINO is willing to come to BAMA despite his insisting that he's happy at UL, but if Stoops is unhappy at OU he won't come. Does that make sense?

Also, I belive that you said only Petrino and Olliver can win a BAMA. If this is true, and BAMA sucks that bad, why would Petrino want to come here?

How's that for rational?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:04 PM   bumpjon,that PETRINO PETRINO guy is probably taking another hit off his crack pipe I think he has a problem and needs to call Bradford
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:11 PM   Disregard that last post bumpjohn I'm not on the PJ badwagon that your on. SEE YA! "bumppaul"
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:19 PM   Disregard that last post bumpjohn I'm not on the PJ badwagon that your on. SEE YA! "bumppaul"
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:20 PM   I am not on the PJ bandwagon. Do you read my posts? I said that after analyzing Shaun Alexander's comments a list of potential coaches would include PJ but not Petrino or RR. I also said that I would prefer BP or RR to PJ, but if they are not on our list PJ is a viable choice. Please read, and hold a cogent thought for more than a couple minutes.

You still never said why PJ is a bad candidate. I acknowleged that he's not the best. Now it is your turn. Tell me why he's not even a decent fallback position. You tell me how he's a step down from Shula.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:31 PM   Shula at best was middle of the road.Tell me any team PJ has coached against that even compares to the SEC or for that fact a team Shula coached against or even beat,PJ will get his A$$ handed to him if he comes down here>
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:36 PM   I do not use drugs. I was trying to get it through you people's thick skulls that Petrino is the answer. I never said he would come to Alabama, but I do believe he would listen if a serious 3 Million dollar offer is made. The other guys just are not feasible players--Saban makes 4 mill already, Spurrier is not coming plain and simple, Stoops is the highest paid according to the USA Today database, and PJ is unheard of to most Bama fans and can not ignite the fan base. Moore is not even considering him according to numerous sources in the Athletics Department.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:40 PM   Please tell that to bumppaul he's got to be new to this
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:42 PM   sticks and stones...
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:48 PM   Anonymous said...
Shula at best was middle of the road.Tell me any team PJ has coached against that even compares to the SEC or for that fact a team Shula coached against or even beat,PJ will get his A$$ handed to him if he comes down here
Let’s compare

Shula; First time as a head coach.
Fired from the Buccaneers, never broke the top 22 in total offense.
Fired from the Dolphins
Fired from BAMA

Johnson: Won everywhere he’s been
Been ahead coach for several years
Won national championships
Won coach of the year multiple times

I think he might just be an upgrade from Shula. Winning is an attitude. Winners win, losers lose. It does not matter where you coach it matters how you coach.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:55 PM   Now lets start at the beginnig.

Who should we consider? Why?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:13 PM   Yeah, just rumors. But really if you are capable of reasoned thought, you know Stoops is not a viable candidate, Spurrier is already out, Saban is a snake in the grass and will not leave the NFL this year, PJ cannot adapt his system to work with John Parker Wilson (when he was at Hawaii they were a defensive based team that had a bad offense), Erickson is not possible because he had NCAA violations like mad at Miami and jumped to the NFL and left Butch Davis to clean up the mess remember, Coker is an old joke and no Bama is not considering him. How many more do you need me to shoot down? Sure, Petrino has said no too but then where does that leave us? Leavitt said no, Jim Grope (that is a joke) said no, Jack del Rio said no, and Mike Sherman has retracted his interest and said no to Bama also.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:15 PM   I'll make two lists, one for those that should be considered in order and those I had rather the university not even bother with that are currently popular and/or one-hit-wonders:
1. Bob Petrino--bold and aggressive, no nonsense attitude is just what Bama needs, offensive guru who could immediately goad the Auburn powers and Tuberville, has a small one million dollar buyout clause. Major drawbacks: needs to get a defensive coordinator with an ability to stop the opponents pass, his family loves the Louisville area and he turned down the Raiders three times on a 20 million dollar offer.
2. Steve Spurrier--although he has recently denied interest, a friend of his (Bill Oliver) stated that if the correct offer is made Steve “would take a long hard look at the deal and consider his options.” He is the best SEC coach since Bear and houndstooth visors would sell rapidly, he runs a generally clean program, he will not put up with a losing attitude which has infested the Bama program (i.e., acceptance of low expectations). Drawbacks--has invested a lot of time and energy at S. Car. and may not be ready to leave with a well-regarded recruiting class coming in this year, a little long in the tooth and would probably only stay 3-6 seasons b/c he will not hang around like a Paterno or Bowden.
3. Greg Schiano--brilliant defensive strategist who turned around a program that was as bad as Temple, his attitude would be greatly respected in Alabama. Drawbacks--native of Jersey area and unlikely to leave even for Miami where he also has ties.
4. Bill Parcells--perfect attitude to clean up the program from the lack of discipline of the Shula Error. Drawbacks--age, already has one of the top NFL jobs, yet four years ago he did call AD Moore about the job and Moore never bothered to return the call (this was reported in the Birmingham News by Kevin Scarbinsky and others).
5. Chris Peterson, Boise State--probably the real genius behind Dan Hawkins great record at Boise and is an offensive whiz averaging around 45 points per game over the last six seasons, young up and coming coach much like Urban Meyer at Bowling Green and Utah. Drawbacks--must get a better defensive coordinator who teaches sound coverage skills.
6. Gary Patterson--excellent coach and defensive minded. Drawbacks--Tide has already had one bad experience with a coach from TCU.
7. Paul Johnson, Navy--more adaptable in his offense than many people think, has a 98-34 overall record so a lot of experience winning and not much in the losing category is always good. Drawbacks--no experience at a major program, may be involved in a major steroid scandal at Navy.
8. Rich Rodriquez--much like Schiano there is very little chance of moving him from his current area and he would really need a severe upgrade on the defensive side of the ball, particularly against the pass.
9. Frank Beamer--has previously expressed interest in Tide job, great special teams and defense that would be very appreciated. Drawbacks--absolutely must bring Bud Foster (DC) with him and not leave him behind to take over the Va. Tech HC job or may end up like Dan Hawkins (rudderless at Colorado minus OC Chris Peterson), also runs a program that on the field edges towards dirty play and his players often demonstrate a lack of class.
10. Jimmy Johnson--complete pipedream but a great leader and unquestioned general over players, he may like to erase the bad taste left in his mouth after his Miami Dolphins experience.
1. Jim Grobe--people talk about him like he has answers, Wake Forest has only won this year because Miami and FSU and others are in the dumps, so what if he finishes 11-2 or 12-2 this year b/c Shula got lucky and finished 10-2 last year in a much tougher conference. Overall record is: 69-67-1 and at Wake he is 36-34, that is simply far too many losses. He has also had SEVEN losing/non-winning seasons out of twelve, if we wanted that why not keep Shula? This guy is a bum and may be fine for WF or other colleges but do not bring him to Bama.
2.Chan Gailey--dumb redneck who cannot beat his rival Georgia; Bama needs a coach who can beat rivals LSU, Auburn, and Tennessee at least every once in a while. Tech has lost SIX in row to Georgia, again if we wanted that why not just keep Shula. He may be fine for Tech or some other college but do not bring him, like Curry (0-for Auburn lifetime) to Alabama.
3. Steve Kragthorpe--a hot name the past two seasons, but realistically he is only 29 Wins to 21 Losses, Shula was 26-23 and that is unsatisfactory. Kraggy has not big time experience and went 4-8 in 2004, not good enough. He may be fine for Tulsa or some other small college but do not bring him to Alabama.
4. David Cutcliffe--poor recruiter, does not excite the fan base or anyone else for that matter. Cannot get exited himself because he may have a heart attack at any minute. A graduate of Alabama but like Weis did not play there and he has too many ties to Fulmer. His Ole Miss teams also did not have a defense that would be needed to compete consistently. Again, fine for UT or as a HC somewhere else.
5. Anyone named MIKE--at all costs avoid Mikes. Mike DumBose--scandalous, sexual controversies and infractions, Mike Price--scandalous, sexual controversies, Mike Shula--may not know what sex is.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:16 PM   Now the conversation begins.
Spurrier is not coming.
Saban is a snake in the grass, but he wins, MM has done dumber things in the past. It's possible.
If Stoops is looking to leave OU, which I think is doubful, why not BAMA?
When was PJ at Hawaii? I don't recall that, I don't see it in his bio anywhere. Why is it you think he cannot adapt his system to work with JPW?
Erikson and Coker are jokes, I agree.
I think that Petrino and RR would be better than PJ. I also think that despite saying no, they would listen if approached. That being said, if Shaun Alexander was correct in his statement that we are looking a 4 coaches that have all one a NC wher does that leave BP and RR? If SA is right, who is he talking about? That's what I was saying before we went way off on a tangent.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:24 PM   Saban,Spurrier,Stoops....whose the other NC winning coach?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:31 PM   Anon 11:16 has a good list. I disagree a bit.
Spurrier is out.
RR and BP are good choices.
If the Stoops rumors are true, why not?
Why isn't Schiano on the one hit wonders list? He's 20 below .500, he's had 1 winning season. He may be another Shula? Stay away from Schiano.
Patterson, Peterson and Johnson are good fall back positions. They all would be an upgrade from Shula.
Beamer already turned us down, if he will come that's great but I'm not sold that he would even be interested.
Parcells is making a playoff run, possibly a super bowl run. He's not coming.
All of you don't even bother are accurate.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:32 PM   ragintide22 said...
Saban,Spurrier,Stoops....whose the other NC winning coach?


And then if we consider I-AA NC's then its PJ.

If Alexander is right, I hope its PJ and not Coker or Erikson.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:34 PM   Ragintide been out all day and just walked in the door from having a few brews from the local establishment,heard anything good?-codus
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:36 PM   You clowns that think Stoops is coming need help. You think the NCAA has waited until now to investigate this bullshit? And you people wonder why the Barners make fun of us? We had a better chance of getting Spurrier than we do Stoops. Quit listening to every rumor that floats around and thinking its true.

Here's a new coaching rumor, its whoever in the hell we hire.

Da Snake in Talladega
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:38 PM   I say we hire Da Snake,he sounds like he has the fire in him!-codus
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:40 PM   "Anonymous said...
I say we hire Da Snake,he sounds like he has the fire in him!-codus"

Heh, my chances of getting the Bama job- 0%

Chances Stoops leaves OU for Bama- 0%

I guess that means I have just as much a shot at the Bama job as Stoops does! hehehhee

Da Snake in Talladega
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:45 PM   God if we hire Larry Choker i mean Coker i will shoot myself in the face and then pour salt in the wound. No than you
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:45 PM   Paul Johnson would be a horrible choice.... i mean did anybody see the season avg. on his offensive stats???

330+ Rushing Yards (VERY GOOD)
50 Passing yards

JPW would be a lil pissed at these coaching stats
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 11:57 PM   Dont forget he put those stats up against the 117th toughest schedule in the nation!!

Johnson might be a good coach but he is not our savior.

Da Snake in Talladega
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:00 AM   "Johnson might be a good coach but he is not our savior."

Who is? And if he doesn't come, isn't better than Shula?

Plus, PJ said if I had a qb that could pass don't you think I would?

I think if he came JPW would have no trouble passing.

Damn! I can hear it already. "Johnson sucks johnsons." "Why is Mrs Johnson in here" "Who is bumpaul".

I just said PJ isn't the worst we could do. Of course we could do better, but you have to admit, we could do a lot worse.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:14 AM   You are right we could do worse, but I'm just telling you he is not the coach that will take Bama to the promise land. I doubt I could name a coach available that could either but PJ is a last resort hire IMO.

Da Snake in Talladega
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:22 AM   You bama fans are the most pathetic bunch of loosers I've ever seen in my life. It's all cry who, why, nooooo, I don't want him, he's not wait, yes he is.......nope, sorry, he's not but we have tradition so we'll get someone. The only tradition a head coach worth his ass sees at bama is the tradition of a temp. job. For God's sakes, you just shit canned one of your own. BE GLAD FOR WHATEVER DRIED UP DOUCHEBAG PIECE OF SHIT YOU CAN GET YOU BUNCH OF SISTER FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You want a great head coach that is already a proven winner? Get Croom or Fulmer, or Tubbs, or just about any head coach that has been in the SEC for at least 5-10 years. They all own your candy asses.

# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 1:54 AM   "Da Snake" is da dumb ass.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 4:53 AM   You misspelled the word "loser". I'm sure your school is proud.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 5:16 AM   Time for realism. Cutcliff and Oliver.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:00 AM   has anyone noticed the initial stages of palsy shake on parcells? ROME is a reverse role side version of richard simmons! i could care less what he blurts. i hope richard williamson's name stays unmentioned.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:15 AM   I've been reading your crap now ever since Shula was unfairly let go, This is all a bunch of crap. When all is said and done you and all your redneck friends will wish Shula was still there. You and your budddies are an embarrassment to the U of A. Also, what the hell do Finebaum know? He hates the university of ala.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8:39 AM   How about Lou Holtz or Watson Brown?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:01 AM   Now I am starting to write/speak like you rednecks. I should have said" what DOES big bad Paul F. know?" He hates Ala. folks. Don't trust him. Also, the Univ. of Ala. football right now is a joke because it's run by idiots and supported by idiots. I still believe we were two years away from winning our fist SEC championship with Shula but you boys screwed that. Do I know for sure that would have happened? No but you sure as hell don't know that we wouldn't and Finebaum doesn't know crap. What's the bs crap about Brother Bill and Spurier? Right on rednecks!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:16 AM   Hey folks, Let get rid of Mal Moore. Why? Uh, because he's stupid? I appreciate his loyalty but that's all he has going. He makes stupid decisions all the time. Getting rid of Shula is the last straw. It's a national embarrassment. We should have got rid of Mal Moore and dim-Witt.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:24 AM   Who you calling redneck city boy?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:25 AM   anybody stupid like you. i'm guessing you did not attend the univ of ala. right?
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:28 AM   !!!CHUCKY!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:32 AM   Shula could'nt beat Dubose and Milsap College.You would think after two or three games of Capps getting smoked he would look at the stats and say"you know what we don't need this guy in here je is getting our quaterback killed" BUT he left is "look out "blocking ass in there.The writing was on the wall Shula just decided to turn a blind eye to it.And is far as dicipline goes,if it would have gone on any longer we would have been fighting on th field like Miami.Lastly, I was getting tired of watching "The Mike Shula Show" and the players looking like they just got out of the club.I hope the new coach tells these boys to go to the nearest men's store and start getting fitted.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:33 AM   Hmmm. He took Florida to the wire with a still limited group of players. Is that the same Florida that might just play for the national championship? And don't hit me back with the Sly Croom crap. I'll give you that one but that is it! So we're that close to beating Fla and Auburn and some others and Shula's that bad. Go back and read the pre-season preditions for Ala.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:41 AM   The close losses only proved to us that we had the talent to beat those teams, but Shula didn't know what to do to make it happen.

The "close" games are what cost him. Remember, we were "close" to getting beat by Ole Miss, Duke, and Vandy at home too.

So say we beat Tennessee, but lost to Ole Miss. We beat Florida, but lost to Vandy.

Still 6-6. He doesn't have what it takes right now.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 10:25 AM   "Anonymous said...
"Da Snake" is da dumb ass"

Care to elaborate or are you too stupid to type it out? I'm betting on the latter.

Da Snake in Talladega
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 12:29 PM   I'm not sure what he meant by that, but being from Talladega adds substance.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:12 PM   "Da Snake" . . .how lame.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 6:14 PM   "Anonymous said...
"Da Snake" . . .how lame."

Coming from someone that goes by 'anonymous' I feel like thats a compliment.

Da Snake in Talladega
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 7:04 PM   Post a Comment

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